Integrative Approaches:
I target more Integrative & herbal approaches as a first step in treatment, before engaging in more interventional western medical therapies.
There is nothing better than Western Medicine for diagnostic work up, however, frequently complementary approaches can be quite effective with much less risk.
General Medical Complaints: Hypertension, Esophageal reflux, insomnia, chronic fatigue.
Anxiety: Integrative approaches to anxiety without the need for dependency forming medications.
Pain Management: Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia
Procedure Descriptions:
To be completed
Pain Management:
Holistic approach allowing for your issues as an individual. How to address your issues without the more dependence forming medications.
Natalie Wood
“To be completed
Prolotherapy injections, Integrative Pain Management, Interventional pain injections, comprehensive pain management
Trigger Point Injections:
Trigger point injections; use of either local anesthetic or steroid to alleviate the muscle knots & bands.
To be completed
Non Insurance Rates
Initial Consultation: 1.0 hour - $200.oo/Hour
Complete review of history & physical exam
Ordering lab studies, Diagnostic studies as necessary
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate
Plan for course of treatment
Research the Integrative Medicine database & Educational materials as necessary
Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - $125.oo/45 minutes
Follow up review & physical exam
Review treatment plan, necessary changes
Labs & notes, diagnostic studies reviewed
Research the Integrative Medicine database & Educational materials
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate
Dry needling treatment as needed: 75.00 per session
Procedures: Prolotherapy, priced based on specific area & technique targeted.