Integrative Medicine, Addiction medicine, Interventional & comprehensive pain medicine, Second opinions for complex medical issues you may have questions about.
Practice Focus:
I practice an integrative approach to health, wellness, medical & pain issues. I became interested in this practice focus when I attended the first Integrative Medicine Fellowship available at the University of Arizona, Tucson. This was a 2 year fellowship, online & in person requirements. I graduated in December of 2009 and have maintained access to the entire Integrative Medicine Fellowship Site (AWCIM) & the ongoing research as it evolves. The most up to date research from the National Center For Complementary & Integrative Health. Also aches to the Natural Medicines site, Multiple Herbal sites for use in reviewing individual clients complaints.
Integrative medicine is healing oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and client, informed by research & evidence, making use of both western & integrative medicine therapies. This is different from the approach used by alternative practitioners, that use homeopathy & strictly alternative therapy instead of conventional (western medicine) approaches, without concern for evidence of effectiveness.
I offer my clients the choice of which option they prefer for their own healing. I help them to understand how powerful their minds and bodies really are, and how each organ and symptom is part of a larger system. Healing chronic and intractable ailments takes a certain level of sensitivity, which I’ve honed in order to treat stubborn conditions with gentle methods. Get in touch to find out more.
Services Offered:
Integrative Approaches:
We target more Integrative & herbal approaches as a first step in treatment, before engaging in more interventional western medical therapies.
There is nothing better than Western Medicine for diagnostic work up, however, frequently complementary approaches can be quite effective with much less risk.
Pain Management:
Prolotherapy for all joints including the SI joint,
Integrative Pain Management, interventional & comprehensive pain medicine
Marian Johnston MD,
Diplomat ABMS, ABPM, ABA
Integrative Medicine,
Addiction medicine,
Pain medicine, both interventional & comprehensive
Less costly, more natural care using an Integrative Approach
Combining western medicine with complementary and alternative approaches.