A combination of integrative approaches & western medicine to improving your health, dealing with complex medical issues.
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The Defining Principles of Integrative Medicine
Patient and practitioner are partners in the healing process.
All factors that influence health, wellness, and disease are considered; including mind, spirit, and community & body.
Use of both conventional and alternative modalities facilitate your innate healing response.
Natural and less invasive interventions are used whenever possible.
Integrative medicine neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically.
It is based in good science, is inquiry-driven and open to new paradigms as science evolves.
The broader concepts of health promotion and prevention are utilized along with treatment
Practitioners of integrative medicine should exemplify its principles and commit themselves to self-exploration and self-development.
This is adapted from AWCIM Integrative Medicine Fellowship Site
North Sound Center For Integrative Medicine, PS
Marian Johnston MD, FABMS
Diplomat ABA, ABAM, ABPM
816 E Fairhaven Ave, Burlington WA 98233:
Phone: 360-336-0123
Fax: 360-336-0126
Web site: nscimonline. com
Available Treatments
Consultations & second opinions for complex medical issues.
information to adapt tailored treatment modalities to your individual issues based on my fellowship at the AWCIM fellowship.
Prolotherapy, trigger point injections.
Herbal remedies & research.
Nutritional approaches to medical issues.
Spine evaluations & interventional pain injections